Training Plans

I’ve developed a system that’s truly effective and fully personalised to your needs. Most training plan packages from other coaches have generic sessions with paces and distances being the major variable from one person’s plan to another, and offer “unlimited” emails which may or may not be answered. I include two 15-minute video calls in the training plans I offer, so we can check your progress and update the plan if needed, and I’m happy to answer some questions along the way.

To ensure great value for people, this service is only available for Norfolk based runners to ensure I can offer detailed options such as where to run hill efforts based on your location.

I’ll ask you to fill in a questionnaire to help with creating the best possible plan to fit your lifestyle and goals. Packages include a Runner’s MOT which is a thorough assessment to reduce your risk of injuries and find the areas of strength and movement that’ll help you progress. Training plans that offer strength and mobility training without an assessment like this can only be generic in nature and not the bespoke plans they claim to be.

Your training plan will cover your weekly running sessions, as well as strength training, stretching/foam rolling and technical drills, to improve the way you run and maximise your race day potential.

16-week marathon training plan, three 20-minute video calls and a Runner’s MOT. £220 paid in advance.

20-week half marathon into marathon training plan, four 20-minute video calls, a Runner’s MOT and 30-minute exercise progression session at week 8. Only available for Autumn marathons due to short turn-around time from Spring to Autumn. £270 paid in advance.

24-week speed work and marathon training plan, five 20-minute video calls and two Runner’s MOTs. Ideal for big PBs and first time marathon runners. Paid as 2 x £171 at the start of each plan.

Online Running Coaching

A flexible coaching package that leads to great results. Rather than a more rigid plan written in blocks, I’ll review your runs and update your plan week by week, meaning we optimise your performance and recovery. Advice on strengthening, mobility and technique with weekly catch-ups via video call.

6 months commitment at £95/month.

Online Running Coaching PLUS

You get everything from the Online Running Coaching, PLUS an additional monthly 1-2-1 studio session where we check out your strength, technique and mobility improvements, then tweak and progress your training as needed.

Want to progress faster and have more guidance but your budget can’t stretch to 1-2-1 coaching? This is the package for you.

6 months commitment at £130/month.

1-2-1 Running Coaching

Max 2 spaces available for this package. 1 currently taken.

Ideal for people who want to leave no stone un-turned. In addition to the online coaching plan, we swap our weekly 15-minute calls so you get a 60-minute in person session each week where we check-in on your progress, then used advanced strength training and stretching techniques and gym equipment for faster progress.

6-month commitment at £210/month.

Runner’s MOTs

Lead time typically 3 weeks as many runners return for one or more follow-ups.

Are you constantly battling injuries you’d rather avoid, or do you simply want to run faster in your next race? Over the course of 90 minutes, I’ll assess your running style, strength and flexibility, to get you moving and running better.

We identify the right balance of training to fit with your weekly routine whilst getting you to your goals. Where appropriate we’ll adapt the session content, blending it with Sports Massage-style assessments to ensure we get the best results for you that we can.

After the session, I create a document detailing everything from the session, and what steps you need to take. You’ll get free access to a library of over 250 exercise videos I’ve recorded which will guide you through the areas that we’ve identified, typically around 5-10 minutes of daily movement and 2 hours per week of other strength, mobility and drills. The write-up will be with you within 3 days, but can be 7 days during marathon training season.

Single MOT £75

Double MOT £135 saving 10%. Paid upon booking.

Sports Massage Therapy

Sports massage can help you in a variety of ways depending on your goals and needs.

Many runners have sports massage as part of treatment for an injury, ache or pain. You might also use sports massage as a preventative tool or optimisation tool allowing you to boost performance in training and racing.

I believe sports massage doesn’t stop at the treatment on the massage couch. As a running coach with a background in personal training, I can look at your current training, strength and mobility work with you, and set weekly actions that will speed up your progress to pain-free or faster running. Not all sports massage therapists work this way, and fewer still provide a written action plan with resources for you to use to save you remembering everything we cover. This is all part of the way I work to help you achieve great results in as few sessions as possible.

The first session 90-minute is used to perform assessments to ensure we start treatment in the best possible way.

£75 for 90-minute initial consultation.

£40 for 60-minute massage sessions.

Additional Sessions and Services

Sessions last 60 minutes and can cover the following topics

  • Hill running form – run faster and/or more easily up and down hills.
  • Stretching and foam rolling guidance – assessment of your movement and flexibility with instructions of where to focus.
  • Nutritional advice – face-to-face or via Zoom we look at how you can adjust food intake to reach your running goals.
