Sports Massage Therapy

Sports massage can help you in a variety of ways depending on your goals and needs.

Many runners have sports massage as part of treatment for an injury, ache or pain. You might also use sports massage as a preventative tool or optimisation tool allowing you to boost performance in training and racing.

Who is this for?

I believe sports massage doesn’t stop at the treatment on the massage couch. 

As a running coach with a background in personal training, I can look at your current training, strength and mobility work with you, and set weekly actions that will speed up your progress to pain-free or faster running. Not all sports massage therapists work this way, and fewer still provide a written action plan with resources for you to use to save you remembering everything we cover. This is all part of the way I work to help you achieve great results in as few sessions as possible.

The first session 90-minute is used to perform assessments to ensure we start treatment in the best possible way.

Options & Pricing

Initial Consultation

  • 90 minute consultation
  • Written action plan and resources

Massage Sessions

  • 60 minute massage session
  • Updates to your action plan as required

Massage Sessions

  • 4 x 60-minute massage sessions
  • £20 discount for block booking vs single sessions, paid in advance
  • Updates to your action plan as required

Additional Services

Whilst resources are provided for all clients, I can also provide an in-person session on stretching and foam rolling guidance.

I’ll assess and help you to improve your movement and flexibility with instructions of where to focus written up in a report, and sent to you vie email.

£40 for existing clients and £50 for new clients

Use the contact form at the bottom of this page if you’d like some help with stretching or foam rolling.

“I’ve been amazed at just how quickly Kyle got me running again pain free. I’d never competed in Run Norwich previously and it didn’t look like I’d even make the starting line let alone finish with the time I did before we began. It’s been easy to complete my ‘homework’ consisting of a few, easy to understand exercises, to the extent that I took them with me on a recent holiday. The rewards have been fantastic with a big improvement in my 10k time and a 23:39 Parkrun last week which was over a minute ahead of my time four weeks previously.”

Kevin Denmark
Calf pain recovery

“I initially approached Kyle, for help with an injury.  After some great progress, I asked Kyle to write me a training plan for the Cambridge half marathon.  I also had a runners MOT which helped to set a baseline and understand my areas for improvement. I am now well into my training and have seen huge improvements in my strength and speed. Kyle has been supportive and his advice and expertise is helping me to grow as a runner and understand how to get the best out of myself.”

Claire Woodcroft
Knee pain and half marathon plan

““I could barely run 5 miles without the niggle flaring up. I was recommended to Kyle by my friend for sports massage. He definitely knows his stuff and the exercises he recommended have been great. With so many events coming up I will be carrying on with the appointments and exercises as this has helped me so much.”

Claire Lawrenson
Knee pain leading to 24hr race win



Some techniques are more uncomfortable than others, but “no pain, no gain” doesn’t have to apply. It’s likely there will be some areas that are a bit sore during treatment, but the type of sports massage I’ll deliver depends on your wants and needs. I’ll always check anything new with you to make sure you’re happy to proceed, and check in with you throughout the massage.

This will depend almost entirely on your needs. I’ll make suggestions of how we proceed, but part of the consultation is seeing what’s realistic for you. My intention is to help you in the way you want. More sessions close together if it’s urgent to improve, or sessions spread out if there’s less time pressure or limited finances.

In all likelihood, no. Sports massage is a piece of the puzzle, but rarely the missing piece. That’s where my qualifications and experience in personal training and running coaching come to the fore. My method is to include a combination of exercises, drills, mobility and/or self-massage instruction, with narrated tutorial videos, to give you great results.

I won’t be the right choice for everyone. My approach is to work as a team where the emphasis is on me guiding your efforts to meet your needs with minimal sessions. Experience in a range of areas, including personal training, nutrition and running coaching however, means you may get a more well-rounded service than some therapists.

For injury management, we often look at fortnightly sessions to get on top of it quickly. Whilst some recommend weekly massage, this doesn’t create much additional improvement, and would cost you more. Once we get past the injury, we generally move to monthly maintenance massage, or massage in the days leading up to big races.

Even when there’s a very specific issue which we can only treat for 20 minutes following best practices, we achieve a better result by working around the affected area too, and assessing/adjusting the home exercises. Shorter sessions still require set-up and cleaning time, so aren’t very cost-effective either.

Unfortunately, the human body is too complex to ever guarantee a full recovery. That said, I have been successful with almost every client I’ve had the pleasure to work with, and will refer on to other experts if I feel I’m not the best person to help you. Numerous time I’ve been able to help people rid themselves of pain who have previously seen several specialists without success.

No. Physiotherapists are degree or masters level qualified, whereas I hold diplomas in sports massage. My background in personal training means there is a large overlap in some areas, and I can offer more running specific advice that physiotherapists generally can’t. Physiotherapists in private practice and NHS also work in different ways usually, but from the no-obligation consultation form, I can suggest if I feel a physiotherapist would be better suited to you and recommend one at that stage.

Let’s get started

To get started with your sports massage therapy simply click the button below and complete the form, I’ll then be in touch with the next steps.

Drop me an email using the form below to find out the next steps to improving your running journey!