Should I try Parkrun?

If you’re searching for this I’ll assume you know what parkrun is, if not head to AFTER reading this post of course.


I’m a big fan of parkrun.

I love what they’ve done in increasing the number of people engaged in at least weekly exercise, especially since it’s running, my all-time favourite sport.


Which parkrun should I go to?

Each parkrun varies in the type of course. Some are 1 lap routes in larger parks, some are two to three laps of the same route. Colney Lane parkrun near to me is one of the hillier and therefore tougher courses, with Eaton Park just 2 miles away being almost completely flat and very fast.

If you’re new to running, it might be best to got for an easier course to begin with. Ask around your friends to see what people say about your local parkruns.


How confident are you?

Some of the flatter parkruns in larger parks can be very busy with 400+ people each week, some of whom are very serious about their times. Others have only around 100-150 most of the time and may be more suited to less confident runners who just want the exercise and social aspect of running in a group.


Should you try parkrun?

Even if you’re not focussed on 5k particularly, it can be a great way to get experience running amongst a group of people. That’s why I first went along.

Yes you should absolutely try parkrun. It’s free, fun and once you do a little asking around, I’m sure you’ll find exactly the type of course and environment you want to run in.


Written by Kyle Brooks, Running Coach based in Norwich, Norfolk

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